I would like to volunteer on the bench. What do I have to do to get placed on a team?
We want you! Coaching experience is not required, but a willingness to learn, enthusiasm and a genuine desire to help our girls grow as hockey players and community members, are essential. Please complete the HL Head Coach application form on the House League Home Page.
How do I obtain Coaching certification?
Head Coaches in House League must have minimum Coach Level 1 or Coach Level 1/2 for Fundamental U7 and U9 teams, and Coach Level 2 for divisions above. The Respect in Sport - Activity Leaders Certification is also required.
More information on coaching pathways and certification requirements can be found on the OWHA's website: www.owha.ca.
Please create an account on Hockey Canada’s website and look for a Coach Level 1 or Coach Level 1/2 clinic. Here is the link:
How do I obtain Trainer's certification?
The Trainer certification can be completed online https://htohockey.ca/
This certification is only offered online and is valid for three years.
Respect in Sports - requirement for any parents entering change rooms!
ALL bench staff and team moms require the Respect in Sports - Activity Leaders certification as well as any parent entering the dressing room. Males who are not bench staff from U9 and above (older players) can not enter the dressing room, unless addressing team prior to games and practices. Currently this certification does not expire and the league does not cover the fee. Click here to complete your Respect in Sports - Activity Leaders certification -
Head Coach Application For House League
If you are interested in becoming a Head Coach for one of our Jr. Badger teams please click on the apply here picture below.